In fact, the best. There is no question that getting out and helping someone else is a good way to take your mind off the daily things that are nibbling you to death. The trouble is, our community is so insular, and we are so reluctant to ask if anyone needs help that we end up helping no one, including ourselves.
I found a rather extreme example of people helping others in a story of a group of people who got together to help build a house for a family in all sorts of need. Building a house is out there, but a good example of putting someone in front of yourself. While it is not really covered in the story, I bet there was more gained by those who did the giving. Working together in a community way can be stimulating, healthy, objective and usually puts your own distractions in perspective.
That challenge has been put to our own church community and last week some of us got together to do something about some needs at the local Spastic Centre. Mail-outs, weeding and painting had us all come together to help some of our community. Painting included this mural which Athalie is working on, decorating a wall in one of the therapy centres.
It was a day of putting others before ourselves. But in the giving we were all blessed, by working together and most simply through the action itself. In this therapy centre for spastic children and adults we got the best therapy of all. Each other.