Ten years ago today I landed in China with Ashley, Eric, Gail, Liz, Alex, Jeff, Narelle and a few others on a trip that changed my life. It’s hard to put into words exactly how that change came about. In fact I was unaware of the change until the last day when we are sitting in Shanghai waiting to fly out, and using the spare time to reflect on what we had seen and done up the Yellow River. I was asked what impact the trip had had and initially resisted the idea that there had been any deep impact at all. But even as I nurtured that thought another realisation crashed in and I understood I had been completely disarmed by the people I had met, especially those deep in the minority communities of the old city of Xian. And in that comprehension I also saw that the barriers I had put up around myself (it’s handy to do when you work in the intelligence world) meant the youth, who I had led and mentored in numerous places since I was a teenager were people I could not name, with the exception of two young men, and those only because they had followed me into the military. I resolved even before I left Shanghai that I would do what I could to pull those barriers down, to allow myself to get closer and to intentionally build relationships that had real meaning. That has worked for me in the most part though it has also created some bumpy incidents that could have been easily avoided had I remained under my old shell. But despite the bumps I prefer living with what I decided I would become as I sat in that room in Shanghai. It’s a far richer life by any measure.
Sometime in 2010, four years after that epiphany I scribbled the following reflection on that trip, and the subsequent engagement with a group of young people, who by then had been taken to Hong Kong and had been out to the farm on two trips. I’m playing with the idea that my heart had been affected. As indeed it truly has – I’m still a work in progress.
Congenital Heart Disease
My heart is swollen with
Cardiac friendship
Threatening to
Rupture and disarm me.
It’s an affliction I’m sure
I was born with but
Other lifes busying prompting
Drowned the sound of the sistole,
Not helped by a diet of tough
Bran of distance and oats
Of on-guard. Serial dining which
Hardened arteries and clogged valves
Until an affliction of
Yellow River fever strained
The valves: mitral and tricuspid
Fluttered in the Sino heat
As the heart’s designer
Changed my diet and prescribed
A dose of richness and generosity
Of spirit, laced with their humility
After which the arteries have
Been softening with age
And the ventricles
Gaining fitness by exposure
To the healthy hearts of
Others modelling their
Own generosity and patience
And compassion and love.
There is a recipe for
Stuffed heart: but this
Seasoning is sweeter still
For it mixes youth and sage
Wisdom learned and wisdom still
Unforged but offered up
In kindness anyway, in
The blitheness of youth
Which expects healing when
It is applied. And behold
The seasoning works and my
Heart is surprised. And stuffed
Full of friendship. Full of
Goodness. With encouragement.
Unblinkered faith. Full of an overflowing
Cup of kindness which daily flow
Out of the Creator
And through kith and kin who reach
In and daily massage my heart into
It’s healthy, swollen shape.
It was the one I was formed with.
Is it really ten years ago? In some ways, it seems quite recent – but in many others it seems like many lifetimes ago. It deeply impacted me, too – and I’m particularly pleased to have been present to witness the birth of PickledEel.