Occasionally we have attempted to be a tourist in our own town but we usually stagger to a hotel, collapse, have a late breakfast on the sidewalk and then head home feeling somewhat cheated and resolved to be more “touristy”next time. This morning I walked with some friends along 10km of track only minutes from home. It’s perhaps the best result of checking out my own town in a long time.
Ironically it was not any town we were enjoying but the mist shrouded bush. We started out just as the sun was cutting the mist out of the trees. Condensation rained out of the canopy where the constant dinning orchestra of birds feasting on the banksia flowers (aptly named “Giant Candles”). We marveled that we were blessed with such a day with winter officially on us tomorrow.
One of the team this morning is lining up to walk the Brooklyn Track as part of the OXFAM Australia walk against poverty so he was pretty keen to get some practice in before he attempts his 100km in 48 hours. We bashed along and covered the 10km in less than three hours – and then pigged out at a BBQ at the end!! Good practice for walking, not so hot if you are watching your weight. Which I don’t think anyone was. Joined by the ubiquitous kookaburra who hung around for any stray meat.