In 2005 the following techniques (listed below) were apparently approved (by the DoJ) for use on detainees. I can hear old school coppers all over the world having a chuckle – no reference to phone books, or fire hoses, or clamped cuffs, or … We would be foolish if we thought these were the only physical techniques used. I think we all know that. But I was mildly surprised at the light touch involved in these techniques though the panic induced in water boarding could be intense, I am sure. Specifically water-boarding is not something I have experienced though I have the dubious privilege of being able to comment on being on the receiving end of the other techniques – and worse. The physical pressure is always beaten by the mind. Not easy but if prepared, it can be done. Ironically, in the end the physical torment was successfully handled but not so a much more subtle approach – a simple job offer. By a writer/journalist who appealed to my ego and, over a cup of coffee, succeeded where the more lengthy and painful tests did not. I hated being caught like that. Still do when I play it back in my mind. Undone not by harsh treatment but by kindness. That will get you every time!
Dietary manipulation: Substituting liquid meal replacements for solid food.
Nudity: Used to cause psychological discomfort.
Walling: Slamming detainee into a wall.
Facial slap: Slapping detainee’s face with fingers slightly spread.
Abdominal slap: Striking the abdomen with the back of an open hand.
Wall standing: Forcing detainee to stand with feet spread, arms outstretched, fingers resting on the wall, not permitted to move.
Water dousing: Cold water is poured on detainee.
Sleep deprivation: Detainee is deprived of sleep for more than 48 hours.
Waterboarding: Pouring water over face of detainee, who is lying at an angle on his back, head lowered.
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